Saturday, April 7, 2012


Just a few things that I have found enjoyable about going to college:

  • Choose your own schedule: 
    • Goodbye, eight-hour school day! Hello sets of one- or two-hour school days!
  • Roommates:
    • You start out the school year with five friends (except for those poor Helaman Hallers...)!
  • Parents:
    • They miss you, so they send you boatloads of candy!!!!!

Yeah, it's pretty sweet (pun intended). However, here are some things I don't love about college:

  • The Pool:
    • Seriously?!? I can choose between going at 5am or eating dinner at 10pm? That's awsome.
  • Roommates:
    • Why won't they just do their dishes for once?
  • No car:
    • I can't go anywhere. And that is meant more for getting stuff than for having fun... Also, everything closes really early here - around 9pm.
So, yeah, there are some of the pros and cons of college, at least for me. I'm sure others have their own lists.

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